Monthly Archives: February 2017

State of Jake: Feb 2017

Hey, everyone! Life has been crazy-busy. Here’s an update!

I’m reviewing two books a month for and loving it. There’s something so wonderful about getting to read a variety of authors, a few of whom I wouldn’t have even heard about before doing this. I’m mostly assigned books to read, but I’ve been able to request a few and Bob Pastorella has been very accommodating.

I’m also writing a monthly column! The second edition of Midnight Mix-Tape features Women In Horror! Great fuckin’ stories for people who like to have nightmares.

I’m ALSO participating in a community of psychos where we’re all writing a Story A Week! Here’s a LINK to Michael David Wilson’s article about it on LitReactor.

I’ve also had a story accepted in an upcoming ‘zine, which I will totally write more about when I know I can.

I’ve written my first piece on Wattpad. There’s a contest going on right now for SyFy’s The Magicians called #BattletheBeast. My entry is a story called, “Where the Birds Go to Die.” Give it a read, maybe a vote! Let me know what you think, here or there!

I am ALSO excited to have an Author Page up on! My wife, Jaime, has had one up for awhile, but I’m excited to join her. Take a stroll and check out Vol. 33 of Writers of the Future. My story will be in there! I promise! It’ll totally be worth the buy!

(If you check on Jaime’s author page link above, you can also see me as a male model for her book. Ha!)

This year is going to be exciting as hell for me. I’m going to FOGCon in March. I’m going to the Writers of the Future Workshop in March. I’m going to StokerCon in April. And I’m officially going to NecronomiCon Providence in August. I’m going to get to sign my first book. I’m going to meet SO MANY of my writing heroes and new writing friends. I’m going to be writing my ass off to climb that mountain. I just needed my foot in the door, friends, and now I’m busting through it.

Love to you all. If you see this in the future, I hope you can feel the excitement I’m experiencing right now. I’m finally participating in a world that I’ve spent my whole life reading about, and I hope that someone out there enjoys reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them!

Take care, and let’s have the best damned 2017 we can!


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